Thursday, June 24, 2010

Always Find the Best Medical Professional

Whenever we feel pain or suffer some kind of illness which goes out of hand, we resort to finding a medical professional to help alleviate our suffering. We try to describe all of our symptoms in as much detail as possible to our chosen doctor, hoping he/she can find the right cure or provide advise on how we can go on with our normal lives. We trust our doctor.

But do we really get the best of medical attention whenever we seek medical help? We may have been worse off if our doctor, usually a general practitioner, prescribed a strong antibiotic that could wipe out not only those that caused us harm but also those which are beneficial like the lactic acid bacteria. This is the "shotgun approach" to the cause of disease. Eventually, this could lead to the weakening of our immune system and render us susceptible to other kinds of disease-causing microorganisms. Also, this is one of the reasons why naturopathy, a natural way to deal with disease, came into being.

We should therefore take time to find out the best medical professional available to help us out when we are sick and single out the cause of the disease. It is always a good practice to confer with not only one medical professional, rather two or three, especially if we are confronted with a major intervention like surgery where we definitely lose some of our body parts. Thorough knowledge of the different types of doctors must also be had so we are assured of the best care possible for our condition.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Health Benefits of Spices and Roots

Sometimes we just tend to disregard things around us because we do not fully understand what those things can do to us. Among those things that we disregard are the things we eat every day. There are foods that energize us, but we do not know for sure which of those food actually give us benefit.

Do you know that the common spices and roots that you use in your home could help bring back the years in your life? The Spaniards have roamed the world just to look for spices. What benefits could be gained from these common food items that we use to enhance the flavor of our dishes?

I tried to search the internet wanting to know about the benefits that could be gained from spices. I realized that aside from the spices' use in cooking, there are added benefits if spices are consumed in greater concentrations. Spices can enhance sexual life aside from the many health benefits that could be gained from these spices.

I compiled information about five of these spices, including wonder roots and detailed the benefits in my article Five Spices and Roots that Enhance Sexual Life and Overall Body Health. Spices can make a difference in overall body health.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Facts About Radiation from Mobile Devices and How to Avoid Its Harmful Effects

Nowadays, almost everyone is toting or using a mobile electronic device. This may be a laptop, a cellphone, a media player, among others. These mobile devices emit radiation, and there have been disturbing findings regarding their effect to users. But many people seem not to care because these mobile devices have already become a major part of their lives that they can't seem to live without.

Safe Devices?

As computers proliferate and as they become much more easy to carry, it is all too common that there will be an assortment of these mobile gadgets inside the bags of users. Many mobile gadget companies label their cellphones as "safe" with normal use. The question is, what could be the cumulative effects of these mobile devices on one's person. If you have a combination of cellphone, laptop, players, among others, each one emitting a little of radiation, is it not that you get more than the "safe" levels of exposure?

Hours of Radiation Exposure

Children bring their cellphone and laptop on their beds, either playing some music to lull them to sleep or waiting for their peers to share the latest gossip. They would place their cellphones at close range, anxious of some news from friends. And they would spend hours gaming online, embark on an adventure in the virtual world. This habit had become a serious problem lately because teenagers, also referred to as "screenagers", could not extricate themselves from their computers. Children are subjected to hours of radiation exposure.

Adults themselves are not exempt to this malady. It is commonly observed that even senior citizens play the latest Farmville craze for hours. Extreme addiction is ultimately exemplified by a Korean couple who abandoned their premature baby because of their preoccupation with a virtual child in an online game Prius. Or that Bulgarian lawmaker who was ousted because he keeps on playing Farmville even during office hours.

People are exposed to hours of exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Does this have any effect on them?

Electronic Devices are Harmful

Some medical findings reveal that long exposure to mobile devices could be a serious cause for concern. This is due to electromagnetic radiation that these mobile devices emit. Debates are on-going on whether electronic devices are harmful or not. But there is growing evidence that indeed, exposure to radiation emitted by mobile devices is harmful. Renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Vini Khurana observed that prolonged exposure to mobile phone radiation will result to brain cancer and tissue damage. Another researcher wrote about the possible mutation that laptops, placed on the lap, could effect on the developing embryo of a pregnant woman. And for men, DNA material in sperm could be affected too that would lead to fertilization problems.

While many studies on the effect of radiation through prolonged exposure have inconclusive findings, it pays to take the necessary precautions to avoid the ill effects associated with the use of mobile devices. After all, an ounce of precaution is better than a pound of cure.

Limit Use

Therefore, every user should limit their use of mobile devices as much as possible to prevent the malady of the future: cancer not due to carcinogenic substances but those obtained from electromagnetic radiation.

More on the health effects of mobile devices can be found in my article Mobile Devices and Radiation: An Ounce of Precaution is Better than a Pound of Cure.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Do Dreams Have Any Real Meaning?

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We are always puzzled by our dreams. And we instinctively try to decipher the meaning of those dreams. But do dreams have any real meaning? Doing a little research, I found out that dreams have the following meanings and purposes. These are 1)to help solve problems, 2) to diagnose illness, 3) to fulfill sexual desires, 4) to cope with trauma, 5) to get rid of clutter, 6) to compensate for our personality, 7) to interpret external stimuli, 8) to provide a form of psychotherapy, 9) to edify the self, and 10) to predict the future.

I explain further the meaning of dreams in my article "10 Functions of Dreaming".

Don't Blame Yourself If You Feel You're Lazy

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Don't blame yourself if you feel you're lazy some of the time. There are many reasons why we are lazy, and the underlying reason could just be a normal physiological response to what we have gone through.

Laziness is almost always coupled with procrastination. Procrastinating people are those who are lazy to do things right before they are needed. This leads to unproductive endeavors, wasting valuable time which would have been devoted to such things that need to be accomplished. Things are difficult to achieve eventually leading one to frustration, at the extreme finding alibis for not being able to do what is expected.

Recognizing these attitudes as undesirable, many people sought advice from experts, hoping that things will work out for them. But what are the real reasons behind these attitudes? Is this really an innate behavior characterizing people? I searched the net and came up with five major reasons why we are lazy at times. These are lack of motivation, lack of sleep, lack of proper nutrition, genetic disposition, and lack of exercise. A more detailed explanation is provided here.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Dietary Approach Can Bring Your Health Back

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Stroke and heart attack due to hypertension are leading causes of death in many countries. This is more so with increasing unhealthy lifestyles where diet plays a very significant role. Fast-paced life jam-packed with lots of things to work on and quick treats to fill pangs of hunger lead to imbalance in bodily systems. The normal nutritional requirements of the the body is compromised, cholesterol builds up and narrows the arteries thereby increasing blood pressure.

Physicians of late lowered values for people prone to hypertension. Formerly, systolic readings of 120 and diastolic of 80 are considered normal. Nowadays, these are already considered pre-hypertensive values. Normal values should be lower than the usual 120/80.

Dealing with hypertension varies as interaction between genes and environments determines the severity of the condition. Nothing could be done about the gene factor but other predisposing factors allows manipulation. Lifestyle changes are almost always prescribed by doctors. The dietary approach, however, appears to play a great role. It can bring your health back. I present my case to illustrate how diet can significantly bring blood pressure back to normal. I titled it "The Miracle of Diet in Controlling Hypertension".

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Many Cases of Cancer Can Be Prevented and Cured

Hundreds of thousands of people die of cancer each year Cancer has become common place as more carcinogens are found in food and the surrounding environment. Many of these cases are exacerbated by poor lifestyle practices that add insult to injury. It is therefore just fitting that the problem be resolved through simple changes in lifestyle. Many cases of cancer can be prevented and cured just by eating the right stuff and avoiding stressful habits.

Just how should one live to avoid this dreadful disease? One of the ways is to watch out what you drink. Do you know that there are at least 12 Harmful Ingredients in Power Drinks, Colas and Artificial Juice Drinks? Find out what ingredients these are that we usually take for granted.